Jekyll Collections and Mesolexia
Site update: Cure Mesolexia Now!’s website has now been posted, as have some of my recordings of myself singing and reciting poetry. I’m probably going to post some recordings of prayers, but I think there’s some restrictions on how it’s appropriate to do that, and I figured I owe my religion at the very least the respect I give to Wikimedia Commons contributors’ licenses.
Although I had initially posted the mesolexia website as a set of pages, this was a suboptimal solution. It forced me to generate navigation pages manually, instead of using Liquid to iterate through the full list of pages. I’m happy to report that I resolved this issue: Jekyll Tips has introduced me to Jekyll collections.
I’ve also used collections for the recordings page. However, each recording collection item is just a bunch of metadata, and I don’t give them their own pages.
It turns out that Jekyll supports sorting things, which is nice.